David Weekley Homes Development Update

David Weekley Homes will commence land work this Thursday 5/11, weather permitting.

WARNING: EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, due to safety concerns, DO NOT enter the site for any reason. Stephanie Engwall, WKNA Development Oversight Committee Chair, is your point of contact; please contact her with your questions or concerns, as she’ll be communicating with the David Weekly Project Manager on a regular basis. Note that David Weekly does NOT insure for accidents involving unauthorized personnel on site. Unless deemed necessary due to trespassing/crime, the site will not be fenced. They will be leaving holes and ditches unmarked and not barricaded, which can cause serious injury.

Almost all of the trees will be taken down. Replacements are part of their landscaping plan approved by the City of Dallas. In addition, each lot will have 3 trees installed when the home is built.

Heavy machinery will be operated 7 am to 7 pm, Monday through Saturday, as allowed by City of Dallas Code. Any work on Sunday would be 10 am – 5 pm, but is not expected on a regular basis. Workers can be on site earlier or later, but no heavy machinery can be operated outside these hours. If there are heavy machines working outside of these hours, please contact Stephanie Engwall and she’ll call the David Weekly project manager immediately. We do not expect this to be a problem.

Stephanie Engwall | WKNA Development Oversight Committee Chair| stephengwall44@gmail.com

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