Oak Cliff Conservation League Spring Symposium


The Old Oak Cliff Conservation League will be hosting its free 2016 Spring Symposium on Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM at the Turner House.

Dallas appears to be in a major transformative phase and is simply not the same city it was even several years ago. Accordingly, this year’s Spring Symposium focuses on the future.

Oak Cliff in particular, fortified by the success of Bishop Arts, is focused on worthy development goals centered on “smart growth” with emphasis on “walkability” and “live-work-play” compatible neighborhoods. Ambitious improvements are expanding to the south of Bishop Arts, and include Jefferson Boulevard, Wynnewood Village and a deck park over I-35 near the Dallas Zoo. Oak Cliff continues to evolve into a one-of-a-kind urban neighborhood.

Integral to this development has been the urban design services of the City Design Studio. Interim Director, Arturo Del Castillo and Senior Urban Designer, Evan Sheets will discuss the Urban Design Program of the city of Dallas and provide updates on rejuvenation efforts underway for Jefferson Boulevard and Wynnewood Village.

One of the most transformative projects to recently emerge is the proposed I-35 pedestrian deck park similar to Klyde Warren Park. Key players in proposing these ideas, Katherine Homan and Paul Carden will discuss the vision of this project and recent milestones achieved.

Oak Cliff with its cultural, economic, physical and environmental diversity could be well-served by the advent of community gardens. Master Gardner, Ruth Klein will discuss not only building and maintaining, but also how community gardens help strengthen local communities.

  • Speakers:
    Arturo Del Castillo – City Design Group, Interim Manager
  • Evan Sheets – City Design Group, Senior Urban Designer
  • Katherine Homan
  • Paul Carden
  • Ruth Klein – Master Gardner and Director at Temple Emanu-El Community Garden

Please register to attend as lunch will be provided.
The event is free to Conservation League members and $10.00 at the door for all others.
For more information on the Oak Cliff conservation League and its activities please visit:

Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM (CDT)

Turner House – 401 N. Rosemont Ave. , Dallas, Tx 75208

Oak Cliff Conservation League

Organizer of Oak Cliff Conservation League Spring Symposium

The Old Oak Cliff Conservation League (OOCCL) is a non-profit 501(c)3 that functions as an umbrella organization for 35 neighborhood associations covering nearly 10,000 households within the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, Texas.  The League advocates and works on behalf of neighborhoods by bringing the people and information together to work out challenging issues, and by helping shape and support public policies that preserve the integrity of the neighborhoods.  The League also funds neighborhood grants each year to strengthen the Oak Cliff community.